Hi, I'm Kalpesh.
I love to build amazing apps.
I have good hands-on React.js, Redux JavaScript, Android, MySQL, SQlite, Node.js , jQuery, mobile application, html and css and more to create and implement software applications.
Apps I've Built
I have built some of projects to getting my expertise in my professional work. You can explore by clicling on the project. It will redeted to live uploaded that application.
React list view of 3D
This is the small one page project where I load image of 3d object in list view and when user click on particular item it will be popup and load the 3d object then it will shows in 3d view. User can round that object by their mouse
React Tabs Project
User can click on top 6 tabs upcoming, runing, complited, each tab has 3 tabs all, internation domestic. It shoes the dummy data releted tabs.
React Move List Projectt
Popular Move List
Load move list and while scroll auto lazy load list and added sort and serch from the loaded list
React Chart project on Covide data
React Chart Project
Render chart based on coivid cases related deaths & confrome positive based on drop down selecteion and defult data is total cases of the wolrd.
Create Report for stolen car and auto assigned that case to Officer
React Stolen Report Project
User can create report for stolen car, If officer will be free that case will be assigned to that officer. You have to chang the Case Status to coplited then Auto assigned will be refect to you are cases
Skills & Technologies
During my professional great work experiance I have buit my amazing technical skill with updated technologies.
My Experiences
React.js, Redux, JavaScript, TypeScript, gRPC, Node.js, Azure Cloud
Built system to automate the onboarding of new customers using Node.js backend & React.js front-end, TypeScript, taking a multiple-hours process to a fully automated. Building the micro services on Node.Js along with gRPC in monolithic architecture. Also, deployed via CI/CD pipeline in Azure Cloud and available in different staging environments for dev & QA teams.
React.js, Redux, Antd, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js
Working with indegene, I have responsibilities of implements new features, optimise exiciting features and make it user interactive. Anout my project, it is project management where organize track there employe's task. Aim of this project is to make automation for task management.
React.js, Node.js, Redux, Grommet, D3, JavaScript, TypeScript, Cassandra, MySQL.
At DXC, I am working as a Front-end developer. I am developing a module based on requirements and integrate with the project with optimal performance. I got a chance to develop a product from using stack like React.js, Nodejs, Redux.js, Cassandra, MySQL and more. Where I had been part of UI architecture and backend APIs.
React.Js, JavaScript, Radium, Redux and CSS preprocessors like SASS
Worked as a ReactJs frontend developer. My role was to translate designs and wireframes into high quality code and optimising components for maximum performance across a vast array of web capable device and browsers.
Android, Java, SQLite, MVP, Glide, RxAndroid,Broadcast receivers and content providers.
Worked as an android developer. My role was to designs & develop advance application for the android platform and also write test cases for robustness including edge cases, use-ability, general reliability.
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